The process

Permanent Recruitment

The process

Get to know you –
Firstly, we want to get to know you, so we will visit your premises and have an in-depth discussion with you about your culture, needs and goals as an organization.

Analyze your needs –
We need to find out your real needs by going through your organizational structure, functional departments and future business plans.

Briefing –
We want to get an in depth briefing of the job openings that you have and potentially discuss with the decision makers for each position

Can we help you? –
We will never promise you results that we cannot bring so we will give you a good picture of the current market trends and mutually agree what we can realistically deliver

Search of Talents –
We will use all our professional network channels and advertise the opportunities in order to assess as many candidates as possible in order to conclude in a shortlist of suitable individuals

Customer Support –
We handle for you the interview schedules, email confirmations and candidate feedback.

Candidate job offer –
We will assist you with the job offer and any negotiation arrangements needed.

HumanGrounds Permanent Recruitment
HumanGrounds Permanent Recruitment
HumanGrounds Permanent Recruitment Graph